Ed Lee skriver denna gång om debatten om att kommunicera företagets Facebook adress i reklamsammanhang. Finns ert företag på Facebook?
För att bestämma vad och hur man ska kommunicera med sina kunder rekommenderar Ed Lee The Forrester POST methodology
- People. Review your target customer’s social behaviors and attitudes.
- Objectives. Decide on your social technology goals.
- Strategy. Determine how your objectives will change your relationship with customers.
- Technology. Choose the appropriate technologies to deploy.
And if the people you are seeking to influence are on Facebook (and we’re certainly seeing a saturation of Facebook users in Canada), then driving to a well managed, feature rich, interaction heavy Facebook page using all available media certainly seems to me to be a valid approach. “Liking†a page on Facebook seems like a pretty good proxy for intent to purchase, and all research I’ve read seems to agree, as well as having the bonus of amplifying the user’s actions to their networks.
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