Unison.js is a small plugin that allows you to declare named breakpoints in one place and automatically sync them across your javascript and markup.
Notification Design Strategies
What can designers do to make things better? In this article, we’ll review some examples of websites that allow users to control both the type and the frequency of the notifications users receive (to their user’s benefit as well as their detriment). Along the way, we’ll discuss alternative ways that our companies might provide value to their audience.
Best Practices for E-mail Lists
MailChimp have outlined some general best practices to help you better manage your lists.
The Science Behind Fonts (And How They Make You Feel)
The right font choice along with the absence of sidebars and popups makes everything feel easier and better to read.
Top 5 Recommended Google Font Combinations
5 examples of Google Font combinations we recommend using.
Here — in no particular order — are some innovative strategies used in 2013 that you can employ to grow your follower base, increase engagement and provide useful and interesting information.