Why Referral Marketing is Awesome [Infographic]
Learn about what Referral Marketing is, how it works, why it’s so effective, and why we think you ought to seriously consider incorporating it into your own marketing efforts. Enjoy!
Han skapade en helt ny person – för att slippa bli övervakad
Curtis Wallen la ner tusentals kronor och sex månaders arbete för att skapa en helt ny identitet. Han ville testa hur övervakad han var på internet. Slutsats: den som vill behålla sin integritet måste i princip bli kriminell. För Internetworld berättar han om konstprojektet som började som en reaktion mot nya amerikanska lagar.
Improving the service via features like Earth Tours, step-by-step previews, and traffic incident reports from Waze. If you’ve opted into the new Google Maps preview, the additions will start rolling out today.
Here are Facebook’s redesigned Like and Share buttons, launching today
Facebook unveiled new, redesigned Like and Share buttons for its social network today, both of which use a bright, blue background and Helvetica typeface.
Microsoft starts donating Windows 8.1 to nonprofit organizations and public libraries
The announcement means eligible nonprofit organizations and public libraries can request Windows 8.1 through Microsoft’s software donation program.
Google is rolling out YouTube comments powered by Google+ worldwide!
Google/YouTube is now rolling out better comments for Youtube, powered by Google+!
Försök pågår med att byta ut pappersremsorna mot rfid-etiketter på resväskorna. Det sparar mer än papper.
Striktare regler ska säkra betalningarna
Vid årsskiftet införs nya, striktare regler för hur företag ska hantera betalningar via kortterminaler. Här ingår även en uppstramning kring processer som rör penetrationstestning.
Show and Share – Using Video to Boost Your B2B Branding
If you don’t want to be left high and dry, it’s time to step up and start incorporating video into your B2B brand strategy. Why? Because video – when done right – is eminently sharable. It’s cost effective, easy (yes, easy) to produce and vividly showcases your brand.
Your Social Media Presence with YouTube Video Marketing
While your company’s dance team works on the next viral video in the lunchroom, let’s look at a more practical strategy for YouTube video marketing in social media. Though online video and YouTube are still very effective, we need to focus on a strategy.
Watch this video from the Fast Company article titled, Ricky Gervais Tells A Story About How He Learned To Write.