Picpack — Print Instagram-images
Choose 12 of your favorite photos.Print them on high-quality magnets.
LinkedIn Aims To Beam Itself Deeper Into Your Phones And Tablets, If You Let It
The company revamped its iPad app and integrated its service into the iPhone mailbox and its own Pulse news reader.
6 tips för att bli länk-curator via Twitter
En del frågar mig hur jag gör det och jag tänkte så här på fredagseftermiddagen ge några tips för bästa sättet att samla ihop och bli en bra länk-curator.
Fem twittrare du måste följa inom digitala medier
Varje vecka tar Internetworld hjälp av en profil för att hitta twittrarna du inte får missa. Först ut är sociala mediestrategen Deeped Niclas Strandh.
Fem heta trender i startup-Sverige
Här är fem tydliga trender Internetworld ser i ett av världens just nu mest spännande startup-klimat.
Newsworthy is a brightly-hued theme designed for news, magazine, and personal blogs. Its striking colors are sure to grab your readers’ attention at first glance! Newsworthy supports multiple authors, post formats, widgets, custom colors, and header.
WordPress.org explains it gives much more autonomy to plugin leads and allows the organization to decouple feature development from a release.
For $10, Convert Your Smartphone into a Microscope with Photo and Video Capabilities
Now you can do science at home with a $10 DIY smartphone microscope stand. Like pretty much everything else they touch, smartphones make microscopes better by making them less expensive, more portable, and granting you the ability to take photos and video of your subjects. It’s great to live in the future.
This Secretive Studio Codes Its Google Calendar In Lego
Keeping an office calendar can be a tedious chore. Whiteboard calendars can quickly become an illegible morass of out-of-date scribbles that no one wants to keep updated, while digital calendars tend to lack immediacy and quickly become forgotten. Worse, whiteboard calendars don’t play nice with digital calendars, and vice versa, at least not without a ton of work.
När ett litet m gör hela skillnaden
Expressen publicerade ett kul språktest som gick ut på att avgöra hur bra man är på skånska. Självklart fick jag full pott. Men det här handlar om något helt annat. Det handlar om att översälja…
How to deploy WordPress themes with Git
Using Git for deployment is far superior than FTP in just about every way. In this post I will show you why you should only ever deploy with Git, and how easy it is to set it up.