Så dödades de svenska communitysajterna
Likt gräshoppor förflyttar vi oss mellan olika samlingsplatser på nätet. Bakom oss breder sajtdöden ut sig och miljoninvesteringar kastas i sjön. Internetworld berättar om sajterna vi sörjer men också om riskerna med att tillbringa hela sitt onlineliv på ett enda ställe.
A Five-Step Process For Conducting User Research
User research helps us to understand how other people live their lives, so that we can respond more effectively to their needs with informed and inspired design solutions. User research also helps us to avoid our own biases, because we frequently have to create design solutions for people who aren’t like us.
10 Moments on Twitter That Will Go Down in History
Twitter’s impact and importance in the global media landscape is often touted. In a relatively short span of time, the service has influenced how news breaks and shares, how celebrities and brands communicate with their audiences, and how the power of a crowd can amplify an individual’s voice.
Våg av nya kryptotjänster efter NSA-skandalen
I spåren efter Edward Snowdens avslöjanden ska kryptering bli en folksport. Svenska Heml.is siktar på att bli ett säkert alternativ till populära appar som Whatsapp och Kik.
Mysteries of Apple’s iOS 7 … Revealed!
Where’s the weather? What’s that blue dot next to some apps? Common questions about Apple’s latest mobile operating system—and their answers.
“Content marketing” höstens hetaste trend
Det räcker inte längre att skriva korta uppdateringar på Facebook eller Twitter. Dagens konsumenter kräver mer än så för att orka engagera sig och innehåll är årets hetaste marknadsföringstrend.
Lätt lura myndighet med usb-minne
Snygg kavaj, nyputsade skor, vit skjorta och infekterat usb-minne. Mer behövs inte för att ta sig in i datasystemet hos en svensk myndighet.
Data-Driven Design In The Real World
In this article, we’ll:* see what a good data-driven model looks like on paper * look at a real-life example of the model * share some resources to help you get started with testing
Så snabbt växer fildelartjänsten Mega
På endast åtta månader är fildelarsajten Mega nu större än konkurrenten Rapidshare.
11 subreddits du inte får missa
Har du någonsin sett en bild, meme eller annat skojsigt på nätet så är det ingen omöjlighet att det du skrattade åt kommer från sajten Reddit. Reddit är platsen där folk lägger upp roliga bilder, länkar till läsvärd information och, som överallt annat på nätet, lägger upp väldigt mycket konstiga saker.
The new layout, which looks like a mixture of Twitter and Pinterest, has been designed to give others a better idea of what influencers do online. The top part features their name, avatar, and bio, and is followed by four modules: most active social networks, topics, top influencers, and top Moments.
A six step content marketing model
The traditional advertising model is under pressure. Advertising is evolving towards content marketing: instead of a big bang, campaign-only, approach, companies should evolve to an always-on model in which content plays a very important role. This paper gives our view on content marketing. See it as a pragmatic way to start with content marketing in your company.
Mapping The Internet [Infographic]
The internet is a worldwide network of computers, but it seems very intangible to most of us. In a general sense, the internet is made up of a lot of different components: Websites, users, servers, browsers, networking cables, and more. Some of these things have a physical component, and some of them do not, but even the ones that do have a physical component can be hard to conceptualize spatially. These maps help to lend that spatial component to the Internet.
Coola vattenhögtalare.
Google starts rolling out streamlined New Tab page for Chrome with a search bar front and center
Google today announced that it has started rolling out a New Tab page for Chrome that features a search bar front and center. It also offers current Google Doodles without having to first navigate to Google’s homepage.
How to Use Google+ for Social Media Contests
In this article, you’ll discover how three brands leverage Google+ as a core component of their social contest strategy and the keys to their success.
FREE Business Cards from Smashing Magazine & MOO
FREE Business Cards from Smashing Magazine & MOO!