Why responsive email design is more important than ever
The numbers speak for themselves: 47% of emails are now opened on mobile devices, according to a study of over 250 million opens worldwide by email analytics providers Litmus. That statistic speaks volumes not only about mobile device adoption, but also about how comfortable we’ve become consuming email on the go.
Is the Cloud ready for mission critical apps?
A mission critical application is one that, if it fails, will affect the day-to-day running of the business or damage its long-term viability.
Before and after: The best iOS 7 app redesigns
Here’s an up to date list of the apps that have been overhauled in preparation for launch day today alongside the older version they have replaced. Older images are on the left throughout and new iOS 7 versions are on the right. And if they’re not live on the store just yet, they’re due to be soon.
Moovly – Create Animated Content like a Pro
Use Moovly to create a corporate video, a product presentation, an attractive tutorial or a how-to video in an easy and straightforward way.
You’re Doing It Wrong: 5 Email Marketing Conversion Killers
Watch and learn as Unbounce take a look at some common mistakes that can really put a dampener on your conversions and what you can do about it.
Hands-on with Apple’s iRadio: Internet radio for the masses
With the release of iTunes 11 and iOS 7 on Wednesday, Apple has officially launched its iTunes Radio streaming music service.
Social Media app menu.
Designing interfaces and products is all about iterations and testing. Wireframing is a very important part of the process, it’s about testing ideas very quickly and ideate. The last thing you should think about is the look and feel, but of course you don’t want something terrible to show, especially when collaborating with other designers or clients. Basiliq – Freehand UI Kit provides a great solution for this problem. With over 300 beautiful crafted UI elements ready for your prototypes.