12 CSS3 & HTML5 Tutorials That Make Website Designing A Lot Easier
Twelve CSS3 and HTML5 tutorial resources covering a variety of web design topics.
PrettyEmbed.js – Embed YouTube video
Prettier embeds for your YouTubes with easy to use options like fetch the highest resolution preview image available from YouTube, advanced customization of embed options, and optional FitVids support.
10 MUST DO’s Before You Start Designing Your B2B Website
Too many B2B companies think that all they really need is a facelift for their website. They think that that’s all it takes to get better leads and, ultimately, more people who move down the sales funnel and become actual buyers. In fact, it’s not uncommon to want to rush into design without taking into account all that has to happen before the actual design so that the site is effective.
Ny masteruppsats om content marketing i Sverige
Content marketing är modeordet nummer ett nu och har så varit det senaste året. Men vad är det för något och hur har egentligen begreppet kunnat få sådan snabb och bred spridning i Sverige? Det har Julia Arhammar och Peter Ek försökt ta reda på i sin masteruppsats på Uppsala Universitet.
WeVideo – online editing video
WeVideo make social video editing possible, where people come together online to collaborate on a video project.
Magisto – An Automatic Online Video Editor
Magisto turns your everyday videos and photos into exciting, memorable movies you’ll want to watch again and again.
Stupeflix – Make videos online with photos, clips, music
Make beautiful movies using your photos and videos. Tell your story with text, maps. It’s very easy, and super fun!
BannerFlow – HTML5 Banner Production
A powerful banner production platform to streamline your banner production process – build, translate & edit campaigns in real-time.
Responsive Tabs/Accordion Prototype
Turns into an accordion on tablet and mobile
Works with JS disabled (content is still available and appears as headings + text, no tabs)
ARIA works across states, dynamically updated via the JS
Keyboard accessibleAnchor Pointer App: Find Your Way Back Anywhere
Anchor Pointer isn’t your typical navigation app. It bypasses turn-by-turn directions and maps to return you to specific points where you’ve dropped virtual anchors.
Server-Side Device Detection With JavaScript
There are many strategies to choose from when developing a modern, device independent website nowadays. How should capabilities of the device or browser be determined?