Swedbank rullar ut mobilbetalning
Efter att ha testat mobiltjänsten Bart i ett fåtal butiker lanserar Swedbank sin betalningslösning bredare.
70 år av avlyssning – från Enigma till Prism
Östtyskland finns inte längre, men nu har säkerhetstjänsterna verktyg som Stasi bara kunde drömma om. Prism-skandalen visar att det börjar bli möjligt att samla in, analysera och spara allt. Vi går igenom några punkter i avlyssningens historia.
Antalet internetanvändare som utsattes för nätfiske de senaste tolv månaderna ökade med 87 procent. Det innebär att antalet utsatta ökade från 19,9 till 37,3 miljoner användare. Det framgår av en rapport från säkerhetsföretaget Kaspersky Labs.
Work together and share files.
Can mobile tech help make City Hall more accessible and government more efficient? California Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom and several companies certainly think so.
This means all important files that all colleagues need can be shared with the whole team in just one step. Furthermore, once a team folder has been created, all new team members will automatically get access to the folder as soon as they join the team.
19 apps that already look perfect for iOS 7
Apple certainly didn’t invent a completely new aesthetic on its own. Rather, designers seeking to differentiate themselves from the outdated Apple-defined aesthetic have been slowly moving towards a new global aesthetic consensus for some time. Here are 19 apps that were fully there before Apple showed iOS 7 to the world.
Biba App Aims To Reduce Conference Call Babble
Conference calls suck. A new app can help them suck less.
Howard – Kontrollera e-handlare i Europa
Howard är en webbtjänst som kan hjälpa dig kontrollera om den E-handlaren, i Europa, som du tänker handla ifrån är seriös.
The exact numbers might be shocking at first glance but they aren’t too worrying: they are completely expected given the general trend of moving to mobile. As Juniper rightly points out, this simply indicates that more attackers are shifting at least part of their efforts away from the PC market.
De stora skillnaderna mellan Office 365 och Office 2010 är inte hur programmen fungerar. Det handlar om ett helt nytt sätt att köpa och köra programmen på din dator.
Med 30/30 för IOS ser du hur lång tid saker tar.
Spotify Charts visar vilka låtar som spelas mest.
Vi har testat de mest intressanta 4g-mobilerna som säljs i Sverige och här guidar vi dig till de bästa modellerna just nu, oavsett plånbok.
Varning utfärdad för kamerahackare
En internationell barnorganisation varnar för hackare som kapar webbkameror och sprider bilder på nätet.
Iphone 5 hamnar sist i prestandatest
I ett prestandatest genomfört av en brittisk konsumentorganisation hamnar Iphone sist bland de populäraste smarta telefonerna just nu.
Showcase of Case Studies in Design Portfolios
In this post we will be featuring more than 30 portfolio sites to show how they are using case studies from their own design projects to communicate with potential clients. Not all of them are referred to as “case studies” on the site, but all provide much more information than just giving a screenshot with the client’s name.
For those who don’t know, Google Safe Browsing is a service that provides lists of URLs that contain malware or phishing content to Chrome, Firefox, and Safari browsers, as well as to Internet Service Providers (ISPs). The service can also be accessed via the public API or directly by manually changing this URL to check whichever site you want.
Mozilla launches Firefox 22 with 3D gaming, video calls and file sharing to court developers
Mozilla has released a new version of its Firefox Web browser today that offers support for 3D gaming, video calls, and file sharing. With these integrations, developers will be better able to develop apps that run within the browser without requiring plugins or third-party software to be installed.
Long live a profusion of new mobile productivity tools, some of which don’t even look like productivity tools.
Foursquare for Android and iOS now lets you check-in your friends, but only with their permission
Foursquare today updated its Android and iOS apps with a very interesting feature addition: the ability to check-in your friends. You can download the new apps now directly from Google Play and Apple’s App Store.
Guide: Mäta tid för aktiviteter med GTM och Site Speed-rapporten
Naturvårdsverket var intresserade av att veta hur lång tid det tar för besökarna att uträtta vissa prioriterade aktiviteter på webbplatsen; från det att besökaren anlänt till webbplatsen tills de utför aktiviteten.
Today we want to share some ideas for modal window effects with you. There are infinite possibilities for transitioning the appearance of a dialog box and we wanted to provide some ideas of how to show dialog boxes and provide some inspiration.
As a web designer, you can use CSS3 to create many cool effects which were earlier achievable only with images and photo editors. But if you start to write the css codes manually, it will be real difficult to remember all the syntax and visualize the effects just with the codes. You may need to change the code several times and refresh your web page to achieve the appearance you want.