Regeringen tänker släcka fm-nätet till förmån för ett nytt digitalradionät år 2022. Det är som om internetutvecklingen aldrig skett, skriver Computer Swedens nyhetschef Marcus Jerräng.
How to offer smarter online customer support on the go
Social media provides a fantastic opportunity for small and medium businesses to engage with their customers and build relationships like never before. For the first time ever, it allows a brand to have a friendly face that’s always there and they’re able to seek help from. Not only this, but it allows customers to become brand ambassadors that share promotional content for you.
With the power of MapBox and Twitter data from Gnip, data artist Eric Fischer worked with the Gnip team to create a fully-browsable worldwide map of local allegiances.
OpenWeatherMap – actual and forecast weather.
Free weather data and forecast API.
Instagram Videos Could Spell A Billion Dollars Worth Of Magic For Facebook
The social network could weave short videos into its site, creating valuable space for ads. Expecto profitum!
If Content is King, What Would be Queen?
If content is king, distribution is queen. Without a strategy, the blood, sweat and tears you put into producing great content will go to waste.
Microsoft today released a sneak peek of how Office Web Apps real-time co-authoring will work across Windows, Android, and iOS devices. Unfortunately, the company still doesn’t have a date for when this collaborative feature will be available, other than “in the coming months.”
Telenor och Comviq släpper på 4g för iPhone
Nu har även Telenor och Comviq slagit på lte som fungerar med iPhone 5. Det innebär mycket högre surfhastigheter med mobilen, men med begränsad täckning
Skype får stöd för videomeddelanden
Skypes “förhandstitt” på funktionen för videomeddelanden uppgraderas till en officiell funktion.
Mängder av dolda inställningar i iOS 7
Gör det bland annat möjligt att dölja medföljande appar och skapa mappar inuti mappar.
Karta visar mobilanvändningen i världen
Var är iPhone vanligast? I vilka städer dominerar Android och Blackberry? Svaren på de frågorna kommer från en karta över twitteranvändare.
Den personliga assistenten Siri kan så mycket mer än att svara på vilket år Elvis Presley dog. Rätt använd är Siri en fantastisk hjälpreda i din vardag.
Nyhetsbyrån AP går in som delägare i svenska Bambuser
En av världens största nyhetsbyårer, amerikanska AP, köper in sig svenska live-videotjänsten Bambuser. Det rapporterar företagen i ett gemensamt pressmeddelande idag.Köpet, som innebär att AP är minoritetsägare i Bambuser, kommer efter en längre tids samarbeten där AP via ett exklusivt avtal har haft tillgång till Bambusersändningar.
Email Templates For Web Designers And Developers (PDF, ODT, TXT)
You know how it goes: you are facing a difficult situation with a client, and you aren’t quite sure how to respond to it to navigate the conversation into a meaningful direction. This is where email templates can come in handy.
7 Reasons Your Facebook Page is a Hot Mess
Facebook boasts the largest user base of any social network, so if your business doesn’t have a solid Facebook presence, you’re simply missing lead generation opportunities. There are plenty of ways to sabotage your success when it comes to creating Facebook content, and we’ve all been guilty of them at one point in time. Here are seven reasons your Facebook page might be viewed by your fans as a social media hot mess.
The Echo Nest – Can you predict someone’s taste in movies? Yes.
The Echo Nest also compared the musical tastes between Sci-Fi fans and Fantasy fans, and found the former group’s musical taste to be more diverse than the latter:
Effective Technical Leadership — Tech Talk — Medium
Most successful projects have a single engineer responsible for driving the project forward and while along the way ensure that strong technical decisions are made with confidence. Typically, that person is referred to as a Tech Lead. They don’t necessarily manage people, but often coach them to do their best work.