Web3 For Product Managers: A Guide For The Crypto-Curious
Web3 encompasses the idea of building decentralized applications (dApps)—platforms or products devoid of centralized control and management. Built on blockchains, dApps benefit from robust, failure-resistant architecture and promise users greater ownership of identity and value.
Others see Web3 as a vision of a decentralized Internet with blockchain technology serving as the foundation. Just as databases power most of the web today, blockchains power the decentralized web.
Building a color palette with CSS: 3 methods
As we work through the tutorial, I’ll show you three CSS techniques — out of which two are professionally trusted — for creating and implementing a color palette. I’ll also touch on relative colors with now-experimental LCH and LAB color functions.
How AI helps improve the workforce
Far from putting humans out of work, these tools are helping people work better and improve their work-life balance.
13 AI Content Detection Tools tested and AI Watermarks
Now we’ll look at state of the art in AI Content Detection and AI Content Watermarks. After all, if we don’t understand how it all works, how should we “bullet-proof” our AI content against detection?
Three attributes for better web forms
Forms on the web are an opportunity to make big improvements to the user experience with very little effort. The effort can be as little as sprinkling in a smattering of humble HTML attributes. But the result can be a turbo-charged experience for the user, allowing them to sail through their task.
How to build a Good Product Team
Great product teams build great products.
In this article, I attempt to dissect this truism and tackle the question of what it takes to build a good product. The result is an actionable checklist you can use to assess the health of your product organisation.
Posted from Diigo. #LoveWhatYouDo #MarTech