EU om svensk datalagring: krävs allvarliga brott
Kraven på datalagring måste vara proportionerliga gentemot ett demokratiskt samhälle, och det som framför allt framkommer är att datalagring bara kan vara motiverat när det handlar om allvarlig brottslighet, men inte vid lindriga brott.
The Eisenhower Matrix Productivity Tool – As A Trello Board
The Eisenhower Matrix can be translated into a Trello board of your tasks. Make a list for each quadrant, as well as an “Incoming” list where you can dump everything you need to do, and triage when you’re ready
6 Tips to Supercharge Your PPC Copy
If you spend as much time optimizing your copy as you do organizing your campaign, you can see some amazing benefits with your paid adverts. With that in mind, here’s a few tips to ensure that your PPC copy is the most persuasive it possibly can be.
Advice for the Lone Marketer Who’s Never Touched Google Adwords Before
In this article, I want to highlight six pesky problems you’ll most likely run into with Google AdWords and how you can fix them.
We’re going to flip the formula and start with the mobile version first instead, then work our way back to the desktop version.
Swiftkey | 14 alternatives to Apple’s default apps that will supercharge your iPhone
To replace the default keyboard: SwiftKey (Free) – Apple allowed third-party keyboards to replace the default on in 2014, and SwiftKey, long a favourite among Android users, was one of the first on the scene. The app uses artificial intelligence to suggest and correct typing – a better autocorrect, in other words.