A Facebook security flaw — or, perhaps, a misunderstanding — lets Page administrators boot original Page creators from admin status, effectively enabling new admins to hijack Pages!
Nu höjer LifeGene den övre åldersgränsen för indexpersoner, d.v.s. slumpvis utvalda personer, till 50 år.
Pretty Link Pro is a Plugin for WordPress that will enable you to shrink, cloak, track, organize, share and test all of your links on your own domain and server.
Very funny pictuers! 🙂
Here are the seven essentials that will turn your social media marketing from an annoying time-waster to an effective bottom-line booster.
Börja tjäna pengar på din blogg genom SMS-betalning.
Nu skjuter regeringen till nya pengar för att bygga ut bredband på landsbygden – 500 miljoner kronor på tre år.
Nu släpps en ny version av programspråket Ruby on Rails, som gör det möjligt att köra appar och webb snabbare än tidigare.
Using PHP you can easily redirect your web site visitors to a different page depending on where they come from. For example you may have 2 different web sites selling a product but only one customer care web site where people submit support tickets. Depending from which of the 2 web sites a visitor comes to that support site you may want to show them different web page.
How is giving away content going to increase sales?