De skojiga Sifteo Cubes såg vi redan på CES-mässan i början av året. Nu kan de förhandsbeställas.
Designing websites can be a long and complicated process. Dealing with clients, designing prototypes, coding, programming, and testing – there’s a lot to keep track of and a lot to make sure gets done. That’s where checklists can make your life a whole lot easier. With lists of points covering multiple areas from content to usability to accessibility to standards, you’re a lot less likely to overlook important parts of a site.
Google lägger vantarna på Motorolas mobilverksamhet, Motorola Mobility, för 12,5 miljarder dollar eller drygt 80 miljarder kronor.
Ändra ditt anonyma Google+ kontot inom fyra dagar eller stick är den nya policyn. Dessutom har rätten att överklaga ett beslut tagits bort. Bara Google – bara Google kan göra någonting så urbotat dumt!
Apple is building what is sure to be the coolest office building ever in Cuptertino, CA. The building is so important to the company that no less than Steve Jobs went to a Cupertino City Council meeting a couple months ago to seal the deal.
WOW! Convert any PSD layout into clean, W3C standards compliant XHTML with full CSS support, in an instant.