Nu kan du ladda upp panoramabilder till Google Street View
Den senaste uppdateringen av Google Street View låter dig ladda upp dina egna 360 graders panoramabilder.
Why That Giveaway Is A Terrible Marketing Idea
This is where the thinking cap needs to go on. What would make your ideal reader/customer’s life easier? If you can’t figure this out yourself, ask existing customers…just make sure to enter them in the giveaway as a thank you.
#SimplyAmerican Photo CTA is a stunning way to increase engagement
Why, you ask, is a photo CTA important? Well, photos and User Generated Content increase engagement. So when you actively engage your fans and let them participate in your campaign -especially a visual one- they will be more likely to share that content with their friends, which will drive even more traffic to your site.
Marketers Prep For An Autoplay Video Onslaught
Two weeks after Twitter offered marketers a 100% in-view guarantee on autoplay video ads for three seconds, Facebook came out swinging with a cost-per-view model and a revenue-sharing agreement for ads sold against Suggested Videos.
WordPress Plugins › Swifty Bar
Adds sticky bar at the bottom of post that shows category,post title, author, time needed to read article, share buttons and previous/next post links
Det fungerar så att den som utfört tjänsten och vill ha pengarna skickar en länk via e-post eller SMS. Den som klickar på länken knappar in det belopp som ska betalas och efter lite kreditkortsdetaljer översförs pengarna till den som skickade länken.
Nu kan du annonsera i allas Gmail
Google har idag lanserat ett nytt annonsformat – Visa annonser i Gmail – som är en slags Native annonsering i din Gmail. Annonsörer kan nu köpa dessa nya Gmail-annonser direkt från AdWords. För alla Gmail-användare, kommer dessa annonser fungera annorlunda jämfört med de annonser Google först introducerade i Gmail för en tid sedan.
5 psychology secrets for great interaction design
The problem designers most often encounter when thinking about users is not thinking about them as actual people. It sounds a little crazy, right? But we are not talking about designing robots here. As described in Interaction Design Best Practices, humanistic design creates an engaging experience that users can connect with physically and emotionally. Here are a few ways to do it.
10 bästa verktygen för sociala medier
I inlägget tipsar jag om 10 verktyg som hjälper mig, gör mig mer effektiv och sparar tid.