AI And Project Management, Design Psychology…

MarTech News by Magnus Attefall
MarTech News by Magnus Attefall

How can you improve navigation to help users find what they’re looking for and benefit your SEO? This article will explain precisely that.

The author show how organizations that want to reap the benefits of project management technologies should begin today by gathering and cleaning project data, preparing their people, and dedicating the resources necessary to drive this transformation.

Who doesn’t love a good front-end tool? In this roundup, you’ll find useful front-end tools that were popular last year and will help you speed up your development workflow. Let’s dive in!

Design Psychology is the use of psychological behaviour in humans to create and design more accurately. It’s about finding a balance between what is totally useful, to what is purely for artistic purposes. Design Psychology is here to help us do that.

Keboola runs a complete data platform as a service, all from one place. Everything works seamlessly together and the process is fully observable.

Improve your website’s SEO performance and get more traffic from search. Free for website owners.

Posted from Diigo#LoveWhatYouDo #MarTech 

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