Iphone 4S – no 5 – and Ios5

Our waiting are over – Apple has revealed the new Iphone… 4S!

Here are the news about the Iphone 4S and Ios 5

» The new camera: 8MP sensor, 1080 HD video, 3264×2448 px, 73% more light and 33% faster capture to iPhone 3

» You can get 14.4Mbps downloading 

» A5 chip inside, same as the one in the iPad 2 and dual core graphics – up to 7x faster graphics than previous iPhone

» iOS5 – Camera: put your finger down and hold it on a given location, it’ll set the auto-exposure and autofocus lock to that spot

» iOS5 – iMessage is a new messaging service between iOS users – send text, photos, videos it supports iPhone, iPad iPod touch

» Siri is the “personal assistant” that lets you speak to it to get answers
– For example, you can ask it what the weather is, stocks, look up a word, ask it to send a text message, dictate a document, get directions, etc. It will look up the answer and speak it back to you, plus bring up the relevant app to show you
– “Wake me up tomorrow at 6am” prompts Siri to set a new alarm for you for 6am in the clock app
– “Do I need a raincoat today?” and Siri said “It sure does look like rain today!” and bring up the weather app


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