Apple Iphone iOS 5 – Safaris new features

Two of the best things I have found in the new iOS 5 are Safaris Reader and Reading List.

Picture A



When you browse a page in Safari it can look like picture A – here I browse my company Avega Groups page. It looks great but maybe you want to concentrate on the text and then you hit the Reader buttom (here in Swedish “Läsare”).

Picture B


And you got this page – a page with the main content from the web page in a clean style.

Picture C


Reading List 

If you don´t have the time to read the page you can use Safaris Reading List. Just click on the square with the up arrow you see on the bottom on picture A and you come to a multiple choice menu as seen on picture C.

Here you choose Add to reading list (here in Swedish “Lägg till I läslista”). Done!

Picture D


Now you got the page (link) saved in the Reading list and you can whenever you want, go to the list through the Bookmark menu – the book symbol in the bottom of picture A.


» Apples page about Iphone iOS 5 – Safari


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