Google To Spite Facebook, Buy Waze For $1.3 Billion
Now Ha’aretz reports that Google is poised to buy Waze for $1.3 billion. The Google deal would keep Waze and its CEO, Noam Bardin, in Israel for the next three years and allow it to remain independent and retain its brand.
Prankster Photoshops People Into Ads While They Wait for the Bus
Wouldn’t you be shocked if you were waiting for the bus, and you saw yourself magically appear in that Gap ad at your stop? Yup. And so were the victims of this delightful Photoshop prank by artist Erik Johansson and Adobe.
Banned! Google Glass Prohibited at Shareholder Meeting
Tight security restrictions at Thursday’s Google shareholder meeting led even the company’s much-hyped Google Glass technology to be banned, infuriating a consumer watchdog group who accused the tech giant of hypocrisy.
PRISM Fallout: In Cloud We Don’t Trust?
U.S. tech firms who have built their business on a free-flowing Internet just got a huge smack in the face. Leaked government documents seemed to reveal the existence of a top-secret program with the capability to mine their users’ data at will.
Det är ju bara för journalisterna att titta efter
Men så bestämde jag mig för att undersöka hur mycket tjänster Stockholms läns landsting och Uppsala kommun köper. Debatten hade ju gått hög hela det senaste året om vårdföretagen. Jag testade Carema och Aleris, som har tiotals vårdcentraler, specialistmottagningar med mera i Stockholms län, och Attendo som driver flera äldreboenden i Uppsala kommun. Jag hade precis två veckor kvar till dead line.
Obama: ”Övervakning förhindrar terrorattacker”
Nyheten om amerikanska myndigheters övervakning av telefon- och datatrafik har lett till politiska konvulsioner i Washington.