- If you’re creating a sign-up form, you could do worse than to follow all of these guidelines. On the other hand, you could do a lot better.
Design guidelines aren’t one size fits all. Sometimes you can improve a process by breaking a few rules. The trick is knowing which rules to break for a particular project.
- Plenty of newspapers and other mainstream media entities are happy to use social tools like Twitter and Facebook to promote their content, host comments on their news stories in order to build traffic, and otherwise try and take advantage of the web. But while some are making strides in actually connecting with their readers — including Forbes magazine, which just launched a new “social news” design — few are taking the steps they need to in order to really engage with their readers.
- Allt som behövs är en iPhone och iZettle. Och du kommer igång på bara några minuter, utan krångel och dolda avgifter.
För privatpersoner och företag
Gratis kortläsare och gratis app
Inga fasta avgifter
Pengar till ditt bankkonto
EMV-certifierad - Amazon lanserar en ny tjänst som är särskilt anpassad för myndigheter vars information måste lagras på särskilda sätt. Dock finns tjänsten än så länge bara för amerikanska myndigheter.